Day 1

I have some experience with Laravel (I built with Laravel and Vue). But it’s been a while since I dove into the ecosystem.

I have to say, it’s a lot. You are presented with a lot of options right up front:

  • Blade
  • Livewire
  • Inertia
  • Breeze
  • Jetstream

I got a bit of analysis paralysis because I didn’t want to start in the wrong direction. Luckily, I have this project and the clock is ticking. Having a React frontend already built narrowed down the options. Breeze seemd to fit my needs and the constraints of having a React frontend already. Also, this reference implementation gave me confidence I’d have documentation to follow if I got stuck.

Step 1: Install Laravel Installer

composer global require laravel/installer

Step 2: Create a new Laravel project


laravel: command not found

I tried running laravel new friendlyfriends, but it failed with the following error: laravel: command not found. Composer was not in my path, so I added this line to my .bashrc file: export PATH="~/.config/composer/vendor/bin:$PATH". Then I ran source ~/.bashrc to apply the change. (See


The following PHP extensions are required but are not installed: mbstring

sudo apt install php8.3-mbstring

Creating the project

After that, I followed the steps here:

laravel new ff-laravel --database=pgsql
cd ff-laravel
composer require laravel/breeze --dev
php artisan breeze:install api
php artisan migrate


PDOException Could not find driver

I did not have PHP’s pgsql extension installed.

sudo apt install php8.3-pgsql

Step 3: Test run

I ultimately want to run this in a docker container through Sail, but I also wanted to test it out right away. These were the commands printed in the terminal after running laravel new ff-laravel --database=pgsql:

npm install && npm run build
composer run dev

I was able to see the web app running at http://localhost:8000. It had an error because postgres is not running.

Step 4: Run Sail


composer require laravel/sail --dev
php artisan sail:install # (selecting pgsql when asked which services to install)
./vendor/bin/sail up
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate

I was able to see the web app running at


Why is a mysql container running when I do sail up?

I think I accidentally had mysql as one of the options when I ran php artisan sail:install. I didn’t realize it was a checkbox situation. I removed the mysql service from the docker-compose.yml file and ran:

docker compose down -v
./vendor/bin/sail build --no-cache
./vendor/bin/sail up

I don’t know if all of that was necessary, but it fixed the issue.

Next steps


From start to finish, that took about 2-2.5hours to work through including reading docs and troubleshooting issues (and writing this blog post). I’ll be interested to see how this compares to other frameworks.